What Employee Engagement Means And Why It Matters


Employers who fail to engage their employees are costing their company billions of dollars. What’s more, research from Gallup’s 2013 State of the Global Workplace survey, shows that this is a widespread issue — just 13 percent of worldwide employees say they are engaged at work. In the U.S., where engagement is at 30 percent, Gallup estimates that active disengagement (18 percent of the workforce) costs the economy $450 billion to $550 billion per year. While businesses are busy engaging everyone else under the sun — customers, partners, millennial and more — most employees don’t have any outlets for engagement. Thankfully, every business leader has the power to change this.


Source: www.business2community.com

Stegmeier Consulting’s Insight…

In corporate environments driven largely by time, money, and customer needs, losing track of yor employees’ levels of engagement can be a costly misstep.  As this article points out, companies with a higher rate of engaged workers tend to realize higher earnings per share.

During times of change, the importance of employee engagement becomes very apparent.  Ensuring your employees are involved and informed is crucial.  As an organization prepares to move to a new location, or make renovations to their current physical workspace, leaders must act swiftly to ensure uncertainty, and ultimately resistance, do not derail efforts.

Organizations that partner with Stegmeier Consulting Group for their workplace change initiatives will quickly come to realize that many of our services revolve around engaging their workforce.  These include, but are not limited to, creating customized surveys, conducting focus groups, and developing an employee team of “change champions” who will communicate with their fellow employees throughout a project.  We’ve witnessed these strategies effectively minimize resistance in organizations across many industries, and have helped make the overall workplace change a positive  experience for everyone involved.

Stegmeier Consulting Group can assist with a wide range of challenges involved in implementing a workplace change initiative.  Contact us to find out how our services can help your organization.



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Changing the way organizations manage workplace change