Workplace Experience

What workplace experience do you deliver to employees?

How do the spaces and services you offer, along with your unique culture, impact the workplace experience? Explore & re-imagine how end users experience their work environment.
Your work, play, study, and community areas all send a message to the people using them. Do they perceive these spaces the way you think they do? Do they use them as intended? What do they want from these areas? How can you increase end-user engagement?

User experience (UX) lessons learned from leading tech companies

In the tech world, user experience (UX) typically pertains to optimizing software, an app, or a web site to maximize a desired outcome.

But when it pertains to students, employees, customers, residents, or constituents, how can you perfect the UX to provide a top-rate experience, especially if you don’t have an algorithm or other data at your disposal to assist in decision making? It’s simple, really. Ask them. Better yet, have SCG ask them.

As an unbiased, independent third party, participants in our User Experience Focus Groups typically open up to SCG facilitators with honesty and greater detail than if conducted using your internal resources.


UX Workplace Experience Consulting Services

SCG offers a number of workplace experience UX deliverables and activities to maximize the effectiveness of the end-user experience.


Re-imagine the workplace experience

Ready to take a holistic look at how your employees or end-users experience the spaces you provide? Get in touch with us through the form below to begin the process of transforming your physical space to a destination.